NorrNext progress and achievements in 2016

A New Year is coming and there are just few days before new date, so it's time for us to look back at the outgoing year and to summarize our achievements.
NorrNext got new design
This Autumn we have represented new revamped version of the site that looks much more modern and has user friendly interface. New conception reflex our undestanding on the design and combines clean look and user friendly interface. The NorrNext ecosystem was totally rebuilt: now we use RD-Subscriptions as subscription software and Kunena forum to support clients. Domain limits (entitlements) were deprecated.
Earn with us now!
Another great news: we launched Affiliate Program with flat 35% commission rate which let you to raise good money promoting our stuff. No vertical commission, just fair fixed price.Using promo materials you can prepare articles, write tutorials or even made a video guid on our products and attract the potential customers. The more sales is being provided the more incoming you will get.
Events & Conferences Sponsorship
During 2016 year we have have suppported various Jomla events. The year has started with JUG Silesia meeting. Soon we supported JoomlaDays as Gifts Sponsor: it were JoomlaDay Kenya 2016 (September, 17th) and impressive JoomlaDay Poland 2016 (September, 24-25th). Lucky winners got prizes with subscription on our extensions (See photos from JoomlaDay Poland).
We want to express our gratitude to event organisers for the collaboration!
Apart from events sponsorship we have established partnership to another great Joomla extension and template providers: Joomla-Monster and DJ-Extensions, JBZoo and JoomForest.
New products
During the year we spent lot of time on improving and extending NorrCompetition extension. As for new line of products, there are several extensions that were released in 2016.
For Joomla:
- My Profile for RD Subscriptions - an useful module for RD-Subscriptions constructing user profile and displaying inforrmation about subscription, products and user.
- AUP Plugin for NorrCompetition - another way to monetize NorrCompetition. It's set of rules for AlphaUserPoints (and AltaUserPoints)
For Pagekit:
- PKB Shortcodes - custom macros for Pagekit content. It's easy to build various macros and insert them anywhere. This extension save lot of time.
Next Year is promised to be more productive on releases since we have been working on new series of products for Joomla, but it's a yet a secret. Special announce will follow soon.
We want to thank you for stay connected and wish you all the best in New Year 2017!
Sincerely yours,
NorrNext team
24 hours left! Hurry to get 30% Off on any NorrCompetition package. Coupon code: WINTER2017
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Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.