Tutorials and video
Case study, tips and tricks and step-by-step tutorials. Most of tutorials listed below include video.

Stripe for Phoca Cart. Configuring webhooks
Coming soon

Coming soon

Basic tutorial
Coming soon

To advanced users
Coming soon
Joomla Tutorials

How to create sitemap
Discover how to generate a clean and Google optimized sitemap for your site.
Coming soon

Creating a Multilingual site
We will examine how to extend a site with additional languages and how to set up a multilingual feature correctly.
Coming soon

Sending newsletters using Joomla
Sending newsletters via Joomla directly via 3rd party extension. No external service.
Coming soon

Use social accounts (Facebook, Twitter) to sign up to the site
Let users signing up/signing in to the site via social profiles. A detailed guide.
Coming soon

Cookies law. How to block extension functionality
Let's learn how a user can refuse cookies acceptance on the site and how to block the functionality where cookies are being used to get the site a compliance to EU regulation.
Coming soon

How to change the default Log folder
Examining site logs might be a must-have when you develop a site and some issue occurs. In some cases you may need keeping logs in a custom folder.
Coming soon
Copyright note
- The Stripe name and logos are trademarks or service marks of Stripe, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries.
- The Joomla!® name and logo are trademarks of Open Source Matters, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
- ZOO logo represents ZOO CCK and is a trademark of YOOtheme GmbH.