Partnership with Joomla-Monster and DJ-Extensions

We are glad to announce our parternship with DJ-Extensions and Joomla-Monster - popular Joomla! extension and template providers. Now let us introduce the brands and tell you a little bit about their popular products.
Joomla-Monster is a well-known template provider designing creative and functional templates for Joomla and suppporting the community since 2009. Lot of themes comes with in-built commercial extensions that let you an ability to configure and run a functional site in a short time.
Second partner is DJ-Extensions that provides premium extensions for Joomla! Obviously, you have heard about such products as DJ-Catalog2 and DJ-Classifieds - they have released by DJ-Extensions as well as many other stuff.
Both Joomla-Monster and DJ-Extensions brands are part of one network and are represented by the same creative team. Joomla-Monster is often sponsoring international JoomlaDay events & local JUG meetings and contribute the community with various useful stuff.
Every of our clients can get 20% discount on Joomla-Monster and DJ-Extensions products. Go to Partners section, find these names and take coupons.
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Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.