NorrNext revamp 2.0: meet new site design

We are thrilled to announce a new version of NorrNext site with revamped design. The past 3 months our team was spent on designing and coding new conception of the site. We paid a lot of attention to usability. As a result, NorrNext ver. 2.0 comes with modern design, nice light gamma and contrast colors, and what is most important: the site has improved the infrastructure making it usage more user-friendly.
We also have changed the subscription software: now the site is running under RD Subscriptions (by Robert Dam) that is stable product and provides clean user interface and checkout process. Registration process is easier now - you are able to sign up on the site in a few clicks using your network account. This feature is provided by Slogin extension (thanks to Joomline team).
There is a huge update of documentation section. We have migrated all docs on Grav - a modern flat CMS which is ideal solution for organising docs. Articles are being updated and new tutorials will come. The changes happened to forum section: all data was migrated to Kunena forum now. Also you can see proto version of upcoming Kunena 5 template from RoundTheme.
The classical pricing plans have deprecated. Now you can purchase individual product and get access to its download and support area during 12 months. No more domain validation is needed.
Major changes in the new version of the site and products:
- Update of products delivery policy.
- Revamp of design and usability interface.
- Subscriptions are based on RD Subscriptions.
- Big Update of Documentation.
- Pagekit widgets got Pro versions.
The time has come, and we finally extended all our Pagekit widgets - they have got Pro versions that come with new extra features and improvements. Also free versions have been updated and are compatible to latest Pagekit version (1.0.8).
Further plans:
- New video tutorials. Our goal is to update all documentation and provide ultimate guides, including step-by-step tutorials and videos to help people get started.
- More articles and guides discovering the features of our extensions.
- Plans on new releases. We continue to work on extensions development and new products are planned to be released.
This week, the NorrCompetition version 1.6.0 is planned to release. This version will include new great features, such as gallery of additional photos that can be implemented in video competition too and some more stuff.
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Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.