NorrCompetition 1.5.0 released

A new major version of NorrCompetition is here. We have several new features included.
What's new?
New contest type
Now you can do more with NorrCompetition, because new contest type named "Simple" is here. This type allows you to organize contests without media content using only custom fields. Basically your website visitors can vote for anything you can imagine: favorite organization, brand etc. Our themes were reworked to support "no media" entries. Watch our demo site and see the following contests: Music Weekend vol.I (audio) , Music Weekend vol.II (audio) and Love Poetry.
If you have made overrides of theme layouts please make sure that you have updated them, because a lot of changes were made due to new type support.
All modules were updated to support new contest type. Please download and update them on your website.
Countdown timer
This is nice tiny feature that will make you contest page look more pretty. You can enable countdown timers in "Options - Entries" for all contests or in "Contest Layout Options" tab of contest settings for specific contest.

Text Filters for fields
It's more like improvement, not a new feature, but... This will allow to define "Text Filters" for "text" and "textarea" fields. It means that you can enable some "unsafe" HTML tags in these fields and it will give you more freedom for contest entries. Together with a new "Simple" type it could be a killer feature. Just imagine if you will allow "embed", for example. "Text filters" is a standard Joomla option and can be setup in Global Configuration of your website.
New video services
This release includes support for two new video services: Instagram and Wistia.
OSMap plugin
OSMap (sitemap extension) decided to go own way and update plugins group for their extension. Now it should be "osmap", so we are forced to release a new sitemap plugin that support OSMap extension. You can download it for free. Note that from now we have two sitemap plugins, supporting XMap forks and supporting OSMap.
Reworked admin screens
Joomla has made admin screens more consistent for all core extensions - all filters in the list views were moved from sidebar to top (known as Search Tools). We also have reworked our admin list views to make NorrCompetitions consistent with core extensions. So filters are at the top now.
Bug fixes
Several bugs were fixed, the major ones are:
- Fixed fields ordering in entry form
- Fixed fields ordering on the entry page
- Fixed fields ordering in contest options
- Fixed incorrect sender in email notifications
- Fixed category does not open if has the same ID and alias as some contest

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.