version history
Version 2.0.7
Expanded the limit of characters for custom field description to avoid "Data too long" error
Allow to use safe HTML for custom field description
UIkit compatibility
Drag and drop of entries
Dropzone compatibility with the dark admin template mode
Unknown column 'published' in 'field list' error on field delete or state change
Spinner was not hiding due to CSS conflict
A line break resulting incorrect class for entry and contest image
PHP Warning: Undefined variable $diff
Category title is not hiding even is set to hide in the category view
Subcategory description and image is not hiding in the category view
Contest information display parameters in the category view
Version 2.0.6
Vote time limit language string in the vote button
Missing context for a language string in the vote button
Version 2.0.5
Added new events before and after photo and gallery save
Changed redirect from the contest edit form to a contest view instead of list view
Refactored deprecated $this->document in the views and layouts
Version 2.0.4
Added new events to preprocess photos on upload
Vote time limit language string in the vote button
"Yes" option color in field settings
Version 2.0.3
Fixed"Incorrect datetime value" on contest save with empty created date.
Fixed"count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given".
ImprovedChanged "Twitter" to "X".
ImprovedSeveral layout improvements.
ImprovedSeveral language strings improvements.
Version 2.0.2
Added a new option to disable Open Graph tags generation
Joomla 5 ready. No Backward Compatibility plugin required.
Fixed PHP 8.2 notices
Fixed masonry layout for completed contest
Version 2.0.1
FixedFixed warning "Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::delete: Path is not a folder" on entry delete
FixedFixed frontend contest creation when publishing tab is not enabled
FixedFixed PHP warning "Undefined variable $synced"
FixedFixed the class of contest field list on data comparison screen
FixedFixed several en-GB language typos
Version 2.0.0
NewJoomla 4 ready
NewAdded masonry mode to the list of entries
NewAdded maximum entries limit option for contest
NewAdded images quality option
NewAdded support for animated images (gif)
NewAdded option to disable cropping
NewAdded new default theme based on UIkit framework
NewAdded alias for entries
NewAdded new option to remove IDs from URLs
NewAdded download key support
NewAdded Reels support for Instagram
NewAdded new events for plugins
ImprovedAdded CloudFlare IPs check
ImprovedImproved custom fields management for contest
ImprovedExplicitly use POST for XHR requests
ImprovedNull dates support
ImprovedPerformance improvements for the list of entries
ImprovedRemoved all themes except the default
ImprovedRemoved Captcha support for voting
ImprovedRemoved transliteration options
ImprovedjQuery dependency removed
ImprovedUpdated Dropzone JS to 5.9.3
ImprovedUpdated Cropper.js to 1.5.13
ImprovedVarious small improvements
ImprovedPHP 8.x compatibility
FixedFixed incorrect breadcrumbs path for category
FixedFixed cleaning HTML tags in translations
FixedVarious small fixes
Version 1.8.9
ImprovedSupport of Instagram Reels video content
FixedIncorrect breadcrumbs path for category
Version 1.8.8
ImprovedAdded CloudFlare IPs check
FixedDo not display trashed contests in entry add form
FixedFix click and hover in Uikit 3 share buttons
FixedFix direction filter does not apply the default value in the entries list
Version 1.8.7
FixedInstagram video could not be loaded
Version 1.8.6
ImprovedAdded "List" field type
ImprovedAdded "Radio" field type
ImprovedReworked "Checkbox" field type
ImprovedUpdated Fingerprint library to the latest 3.x version
FixedTable object is empty on vote delete event
Version 1.8.5
FixedTransparency parameter name was missing in the config
Fixeduser_agent field was missing in the installation SQL
Version 1.8.4
Improved'You have already voted' message in the tooltip
ImprovedRecord User-Agent if Fingerprint is empty
ImprovedThe language string 'One votes left -' is renamed to 'One votes left:'
ImprovedMoved essential JS scripts to views
FixedCrop area of photo is not responsive in the entry form
FixedIncorrect work of IP+Fingerprint option
FixedUnvote works incorrectly when Fingerprint is enabled
Version 1.8.3
ImprovedAdd event of contest status change during the automatic closing of the contest
ImprovedJavascript: check the cases when the element may not exist
FixedUIkit 3: unclosed tag on the category page
FixedMisprint in English localization
FixedError on vote: cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
FixedTotal entries counter displays the wrong value
Version 1.8.2
NewSubmit Entry Button
ImprovedExtended voting info in the vote button tooltip
ImprovedPlugin event
that allows to override Open Graph data set by component for category, contest or entry -
ImprovedPlugin event
that allows to override vote response data (like message, tooltip data and so on) -
ImprovedPlugin event
that allows to override URL and system message after entry or contest form is saved -
ImprovedImageMagick check in the component options
ImprovedRemove of jQuery usage in some JavaScript code
ImprovedUIkit 3 theme: refactored monolith markup to layouts
ImprovedEnsure captcha is not used when is disabled
ImprovedAdded proceed to options button to post install message
ImprovedCatch and log any exception if debug is enabled in Joomla settings
ImprovedSplit message about entry saving to new entries and existing entries
FixedWrong flash detection for EXIF data
JFolder: :delete: Path is not a folder
error on delete of simple type contest -
FixedWrong H1 tag in the entry form layout
FixedUIkit 3 theme: fixed undefined
reference -
FixedUIkit 3 theme: fixed wrong language string
FixedBootstrap 3 theme: fixed missing language string
FixedFixed incorrect
class name -
FixedDo not send empty captcha parameter
Version 1.8.1
ImprovedAdded 3:2 ratio for cropping
ImprovedShow "Add Contest" button in the list of contests
ImprovedShow message if there is no entries to display on "My entries screen"
ImprovedShow entry thumbnail on "My Entries" screen
ImprovedSave IP and Fingerprint if "Tracking Data" option is enabled
ImprovedEnsure Captcha is not used when is disabled
ImprovedLanguage improvements
FixedUIkit 3 theme: "Back to List" button is missing in the completed contest
FixedUIkit 3 theme: wrong layout is used for the contests list
FixedUIkit 3 theme: wrong disabled button style is used
FixedUIkit 3 theme: hover icons are not linked
FixedFixed "unknown column 'random' in order clause" error on random ordering
FixedFixed wrong cookie expiration time
FixedFixed incorrect vote message for repeated vote
FixedFixed found PHP warning and notices
Version 1.8.0
NewBrowser Fingerprinting to make voting more fair and protecting from repeated vote attempts
NewExtended vote analytics (user-agent, platform, screen resolution, language, timezone, etc.)
NewVote Validation to set the validity status of the vote
NewVote Score to assign a score for a vote between 0 and 10
NewRemote Storage Support via plugins
NewUIkit 3 theme added
ImprovedAdded "Use Global" to category settings
ImprovedAdded Invisible Captcha
ImprovedAdded 'Back to contests' button in the contest view
ImprovedAdded EXIF data for photo on entry page
ImprovedNew option 'disable watermark transparency'
ImprovedImproved quality for resized images generation for GD handler
ImprovedUpdated JS libraries to the latest versions
ImprovedRemoval of Google+ comments
ImprovedRemoval of Vine video provider
FixedFields: label was shortened to 32 symbols
FixedLocalization issue in category settings
FixedMeta author is not displayed in the category view
FixedIncorrect meta description for entry
FixedWrong front-end access to trashed and unpublished contests
FixedAJAX calls to support Nginx server
FixedAn error if Captcha is not valid
Fixed'Contest not found' error if categories list menu item is disabled or not created yet
FixedNotice Undefined index: competition_changed
parameter in cropper -
FixedMissing preview image height parameter
FixedMissing UL tag for pagination
FixedRandom ordering error for previous/next item query
FixedAlt tag issue for category image
FixedInstagram and Dailymotion thumbnail creation
FixedPopover is not defined error
Version 1.7.8
FixedOpen Graph markup for video
FixedIncorrect pagination after 10 page in the list of entries
FixedOrdering by name still remains if other option is selected
FixedNo thumbnail for Instagram video
FixedDailymotion oEmbed path
FixedPHP 7.2 warning notices
FixedRandom order if entries count is less then the limit
FixedSome classes fixed in BS3 theme and a small fix in English localization
Version 1.7.7
ImprovedEnglish localisation polishing
ImprovedGlobal option value is displayed in Use global
ImprovedDo not display entries with trashed status in my entries list
ImprovedNew option to control contestant's IP saving along with entry
ImprovedDo not collect IP and User-Agent on voting if IP check is disabled in options
FixedOptions of countdown timers cannot be overriden in the contest
FixedContest data in entry form is not loading if the contest is unpublished
Version 1.7.6
ImprovedDisplay random entries
ImprovedOption to filter contests in entry form
ImprovedOption to show/hide the contest field in entry form
ImprovedDisplay contestant IP and user-agent in the back-end
ImprovedManage the display options of contest in the list of contests
FixedChanges in fields doesn't work when entry is saved on front-end
FixedCyrillic domain displays in ASCII format
FixedIncorrect total count of entries per field
FixedTotal entries calculation for closed constest
Fixed"Other Entries" header is displayed when there is no other entries
FixedMissing form data argument in
Version 1.7.5
FixedRegression: Vimeo public videos fail to load in player
Fixed"Call to undefined function exif_read_data()" error
FixedHTML tags escaped in custom field value (entries list)
FixedNew lines are not processed in custom field value (entries list)
FixedCustom field value is not shown for sorted entries in closed contest
FixedMedium image creation quality
FixedToo small label field size for custom fields
FixedCopy language files on installation only when language directory exists
Fixed"Invalid token" message does not display on vote
Version 1.7.4
FixedShare URL is wrong when website is running under subfolder
FixedVimeo private videos fail to load the data
FixedFail fetching Instagram thumbnail
Version 1.7.3
FixedPhoto is not uploading because of watermark method declaration conflict in Joomla! 3.8+
Version 1.7.2
ImprovedDisplay share button in entries list
ImprovedContest vote frequency
FixedTotal number of entries is wrong in contest count
FixedFields order sorting in contest settings
FixedRegression: AJAX calls does not work if site is running under subfolder
FixedDisplay of sorting filter when the only option is selected
Version 1.7.1
ImprovedNew URL field
ImprovedDisplay contestant in entries list
ImprovedPhoto rotation based on EXIF orientation data
ImprovedHide voting end timer when the voting is ended
ImprovedFront-end contest form menu item is being added on installation
ImprovedIP detection method
ImprovedDisplay of download key
FixedTooltip width in Uikit theme
FixedUpload icon in Default and Uikit themes
FixedUse alert for hidden entries text in Bootstrap 3 theme
FixedSearch icon in photo upload in Bootstrap 3 theme
FixedWrong title for contest without menu item
FixedCalendar.setup is not a function in date field
location -
FixedSpecific ACL rules when rating is disabled
Version 1.7.0
NewBootstrap 3 support
NewCreate and edit contests on front-end
NewEntry submission by guest users
NewVoting report
NewImages settings for specific contest
NewPrevious/Next navigation
NewHide entries before the voting has started
ImprovedRearrange of settings
ImprovedHide number of votes in completed contest
ImprovedCustom vote frequency mode
ImprovedDefault size of images
ImprovedDisplay "Vote" button if the voting is not active
ImprovedDeny to vote for own entries
FixedLinks and information in the dashboard
FixedShare for G+
Fixed"Identifier name is too long" error on installation
Fixed"Call to a member function children() on null" error on component uninstall with plugins
FixedTooltips in Uikit and Default themes
FixedNotice about undefined HTTP_USER_AGENT
FixedTwitter meta tags
FixedUndefined index: video
FixedUndefined index: photo-gallery
FixedVideo thumb is deleted when no changes to video made
Version 1.6.2
ImprovedSupport for Joomla! Update System
Improved3 new events for plugins
ImprovedMake alignment consistent in user entries list
FixedGallery thumbs creation for Imagick
FixedIncorrect crop for Imagick
FixedInvalid geometry on picture resize for Imagick
FixedAmbiguous column for entries sorting
FixedWrong title for contest without menu item
Version 1.6.1
FixedError getting the latest version info
Version 1.6.0
NewAdditional photos (mini gallery) for entries
NewEmbed video on the entries listing page
NewShow custom field on the entries listing page
NewIP + User-Agent combination for unfair voting protection
New"Save as Copy" for entry
FixedUnescaped text in JS
FixedSearch filter in entries modal
FixedCreate and edit buttons with contest filter enabled
FixedEntry is not deleted if its photos folder does not exist
FixedCountdown timer does not respect user timezone
Version 1.5.0
NewNew contest type - Simple
NewCountdown timer
NewInstagram and Wistia support
NewText Filters for "text" and "textarea" fields
ImprovedList views in admin screens
FixedFields ordering in entry form
FixedFields ordering on the entry page
FixedFields ordering in contest options
FixedIncorrect sender in email notifications
FixedCategory does not open if has the same ID and alias as some contest
Version 1.4.2
ImprovedCookie storage method
FixedCookie caused browser redirects on some enviorments. Thanks to Heath for report
FixedLast vote time calculation logic. Thanks o Ingrid for report
Version 1.4.1
FixedLanguage strings
FixedFatal error on String class usage
Version 1.4.0
AddedShort contest description
AddedGoogle reCAPTCHA v2 support
AddedVoting in the list of entries
ImprovedACL enhancement - new "Create Before Contest Start" permission (thanks to Dennis Buijs)
FixedUntranslated field label in completed contest
FixedFacebook share. (thanks to stako)
Version 1.3.0
AddedMultilingual support
AddedDisplay of contestant (thanks to Dennis Buijs)
AddedTitle truncate
ImprovedVote messages (thanks to Dennis Buijs)
Fixed"VK.load is not a function" error
FixedThe display of "Submit Entry" button is not respecting specific contest permissions
FixedVideo preview is not resizing to fit the width
Fixed404 error by removing dot from allowed URL slug symbols
FixedIcon list in default theme
Version 1.2.0
AddedGoogle+ and Komento support
AddedACL actions
AddedEntries approval option
FixedShare buttons are displayed under the video
FixedBacklink is not hiding
FixedWrong section titles in the backend
FixedallowSave() check is missing in some controllers
FixedEntries Notifications does not work
FixedCURL throws an error about peer certificate
Version 1.1.0
AddedOnline video support
AddedVotes log
AddedVote frequency
AddedCheckbox field type
Bug fixedVarious founded fixes
Version 1.0.1
AddedImproved events
AddedQuick icon plugin
FixedLoad the custom fields only when the contest is set
FixedIncorrect edit state permission for the entry form
FixedApprove method is still called if there is no right to edit state
Fixedwindow.parent is not a function when running in iframe
Version 1.0.0
AddedInitial Release