Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO is released

Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO is an element for ZOO CCK that displays nice Yandex Maps (v2.0) in ZOO content items.
Using this element you can implement multiple maps on the same page, add more than two markers with description (using HTML tags), change the type of the map (Map, Satellite, Hybrid and Public Map), set up the control panel and customise maps using parameters override key-feature in the content editing mode. Another great feature is an ability to construct routes via element parameters.
Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO can display detailed information about all big cities and geo-locations of following countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Turkey and support its languages (+English). Besides that Yandex Maps natively support responsive design and are completely friendly to mobile devices.
List of features:
- Multiple Maps per one page
- Add and manage multiple markers (baloons)
- Create graphical routes on the map
- Yandex Maps API v.2.0 is supported
- HTML tags are allowed in baloons description (it’s possible to add image)
- Manage control elements (Zoom settings, Toolbar, Search & Scale Control, MiniMap)
- Parameters override
- Set of four icons for baloons (can be customised)
- Mobile friendly & cross-browser support
- Enable ruler button
- Well-detailed map objects with nice design
- Various map types (Map, Satellite, Hybrid, Public Map, Public Map Hybrid)
- Geolocation support
- Show traffic control
- Set access levels for the element
- Set custom route color
- Easy configuration
- Map language: Russian, English, Ukrainian, Turkish
Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO can be used as a highlight element of your content on the various sites like: tourist websites, personal blogs or corporate websites. Besides the map it can display route & traffic load that can enrich your contact page.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.