The release of NorrCompetition 1.7.0

NorrNext team is thrilled to announce the arrival of NorrCompetition 1.7.0 that is ready to download from our repository as a native Joomla 3 voting contest extension. This is major release that includes new features, various improvements and some minor fixes.
New features
- Bootstrap 3 support. New bootstrap3 theme is included to make NorrCompetition compatible with modern Joomla templates where BS3 framework is in use. NorrCompetition add-ons also has been updated to support bootstrap3 theme.
- Create and edit contests from front-end. Now users can create new contests (new menu item is available) and edit them from front-end. Easy control who will have this access using ACL (note that this feature is for registered users only). Basic competition settings are available by default, advanced settings can be set up in back-end settings.
- Entry submission by guest users. Guests (unregistered users) can submit entry forms if "Create" permission is enabled for them. These entries will be assigned to a user selected in the back-end settings. Captcha support is added. A feature requested by many users finally has been released.
- Voting report. It's possible to get voting report from selected competition and download it as .CSV file.
- Image settings. Now it's possible to set image settings for each contest separately.
- Previous/Next navigation. Navigation has been added to make it easier for users to vote for each entry. Additional settings has been added to support this feature.
- Hide entries before the voting has started. Now you can hide the entries till the start of voting. In addition to that you can display the total count for entries in contest. Additional settings has been added to support this feature.
- Joomla! 3.7 compatible. The component was tested with Joomla! 3.7 RC.
- Rearrange of settings. There was a ton of settings displayed as a plain list. Now all settings are grouped in related headlines that improves the usability and makes it easier to find required parameter.
- Hide number of votes in completed contest. Now Show/Hide votes option works also for completed contest.
- Custom vote frequency mode. New setting improves custom vote frequency and gives you an ability to set the mode for it. Available parameters: seconds, minutes, hours and days.
- Default size of images. We have changed the default settings for all images: big (1200px), medium (500px), small (250px) and preview (450px). This will improve UX for new NorrCompetition installations.
- Display "Vote" button if the voting is not active. Vote button now is displayed in the list of participants if the voting is not active. Now vote button logic is located in one layout file.
- Deny to vote for own entries. New setting that improves voting process and deny contestants (users) to vote for entries they have submitted. It will prevent the contest from unfair voting.
Bugs Fixed
- Links and information in the dashboard.
- Share for G+.
- "Identifier name is too long" error on installation.
- "Call to a member function children() on null" error on component uninstall with plugins.
- Tooltips in Uikit and Default themes.
- Notice about undefined HTTP_USER_AGENT.
- Twitter meta tags.
- Undefined index: video.
- Undefined index: photo-gallery.
- Video thumb is deleted when no changes to video made.
Layouts Changed
There was a lot of changes in layouts so please check your overrides (if you have any) to be compatible with the latest release. Here is the list of changed files:
- _competition.items.php
- _fields.custom.php
- _participant.vote_message.php
- _participant.votes.php (deleted, use new "_vote_button.php" instead)
- _result.grandprix.php
- _result.highest.php
- _result.other.php
- _share.php
- appform.php
- competition.php
- competition_result.php
- participant.php
- /fields/photo.php
We recommend to update NorrCompetition and its add-ons to the latest version. But don't forget to make back-up before the update.
Detailed overlook discovering new features and minor improvements of the component is ready: NorrCompetition 1.7: discovering new features

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.
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