The release of NorrCompetition 1.6.0

We are glad to announce the arrival of NorrCompetition v1.6.0 with new great features and enhancements. The key feature: now it is possible to upload additional photos along with the main participant's photo or video. Full list of changes are available below.
New features
- Key feature: Additional photos (mini gallery) for entries
- Embed video on the entries listing page
- Show custom field on the entries listing page
- IP + User-Agent combination for unfair voting protection
- "Save as Copy" for entry
We want to express our gratitude to Victor Chen for his contribution in some of new features appearance that have been included in version 1.6.0.
You can find out more about new features here: Discover new features of NorrCompetition 1.6.0
Bug Fixes
- Unescaped text in JS
- Search filter in entries modal
- Create and edit buttons with contest filter enabled
- Entry is not deleted if his photos folder does not exist
- Countdown timer does not respect user timezone

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.
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