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# Topics
19 September 2022
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Discover new features of NorrCompetition 1.6.0

Discover new features of NorrCompetition 1.6.0

Are you curious what new features appeared in NorrCompetition version 1.6.0? Here is the detailed guide how to get started with three main new features, how to enable and set up new parameters in the back-end and what result will you get on the front-end.

1. Additional photos (mini gallery)

This is the key feature of this release: now you can allow contestants to upload additional photos in photo and video type competitions. These photos will be displayed as a mini gallery on the entry page below the photo or video player.

To enable this feature you need to go to Administrator Panel > NorrCompetition > Options > Competition tab and enable "Additional Photos” option as a global parameter.

Enable additional photos in NorrCompetition options

Enable Additional Photos mode

Don't forget to to set up the limit of additional photos in "Photos Limit” parameter.

Now it’s time to set the size of thumbnails for additional photos. We recommend to keep up the original proportions of the image. E.g. the original photos have 1280x853 pixels resolution, so to keep these proportions up we can use 150x100 pixels size.

Go to NorrCompetition Options, then click on “Images” tab and find "Gallery Options”:

Gallery Options in NorrCompetition

Gallery options to set thumbnails size

Also it’s possible to enable / disable additional photos for single contest:

Additional photos in single contest

Additional photos in single contest

Now when additional photos feature is enabled lets edit or create a new entry. You will find a new uploader to add additional photos:

Upload additional photos when submit a new entry

Upload additional photos on submit of new entry

Have a look on the result:

Additional photos below the video in NorrCompetition

Additional photos below the video

2. Embed video on the entries listing page instead of thumbnails.

When the contest has a video type, the component generates thumbnails that are taken from the video previews. As a result there are static thumnails displayed in the list of entries page by default. But in some cases you will probably let visitors watch video without entering the entrry page. This new feature will do that. Two screenshots below illustrate the difference.

List of Entries with thumbnails in NorrCompetition

List of Entries with thumbnails (default)

List of Entries with video players in NorrCompetition

List of Entries with video players (new feature)

Where this feature can be enabled? Please go to Administrator panel > NorrCompetition > Options > Entries tab and enable "Play Video” parameter. As a result the video players will be displayed instead of thumbnails in the list of entries.

Enable Play Video param in Options

Enable Play Video param in Options

Also you can set up this parameter for single contest. Go to edit mode of your contest and click on “Layout options” tab:

Play Video settings in Layout Options

Play Video settings in Entry Layout Options

"Use Global" is assigned by default, but you can set up custom parameter.

3. Show custom field on the entries listing page

Have you thought about displaying an additional information below the thumbnail / video player in the list of entries? Now it is possible.

We have added a new parameter to the contest layout options. Go to edit mode of your contest and click on "Layout options" tab again. There are two new options:

  • Entry Field - select the custom field to be displayed as a caption.
  • Field Length - here you can strip description. e.g. to 160 symbols.

Select custom field to be displayed at the list of entries

Select the custom field to be displayed in the list of entries page and set its length.

You will get the following result on the front-end (see description below the title)

Description field displaying at the list of entries page

Custom field in the list of entries

Good luck with your contests!

Dmitrijs Rekuns

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.