Social Share for ZOO 1.0.0 is released

The NorrNext team released Social Share for ZOO - a new element for Joomla! CCK that displays buttons to share posts in popular social networks that will help to increase site's popularity and attract more visitors.
Social Share for ZOO is a easy-to-use and light-weight element that displays buttons with nice and responsive design that fits into the most of modern Joomla templates. A share technology brings an effective feature to share posts as status or message in social networks that let user's friends to examine this information and open the link. So, users can update their profile with interesting shared posts and more visitors will come. The element makes no external URLs and works fine with HTTPS protocol.
There are various settings that let you to configure buttons' design:
- Choose buttons size
- Change position where buttons should be displayed
- Manage which social networks to be displayed
- Enable / disable display of icons or text
- Enable responsive style
- Enable counters
Social Share for ZOO can be used in blog, personal or corporate site, catelogue or on any type of website based on ZOO. Try out to examine the demo!
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Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.