NorrNext Site Revamping. 3rd Edition

We are proud to announce a new version of NorrNext site with a new, revamped design. Now it is a 3rd edition.
6 years have passed since the last update and despite the fact we love the previous version of design, progress does not stand still and it is time for the design to get a completely new conception. A few months of hard work and now we are satisfied of the result: a site that looks awesome, comes with modern techniques and has thoughtful ergonomics. Especially, we were focused on UX/UI to make navigation and accessing to the content user friendly.
Major changes in the new version
- New structure. Changes with navigation.
- Subscription plans revised. Some products were deprecated; some of them were united in one pack.
- Changelog section. It is better to keep changelogs separately from a product page.
- Translations. We focused on availability of our products to local markets, so translations section is always near.
- E-commerce section. New products will come later.
- Update of FAQ which turns into a knowledge base.
- Ticket system instead of forum.
Further steps
We continue improving site infrastructure and here is what we plan to do soon:
- Massive update of documentation. It is time to revise it and make new articles and update existing ones.
- More video tutorials.
- Increase engagement in social media area.
- Update of demo site.
Now we work on NorrCompetition 2.0, which is planned to be released this Autumn. Read more here: NorrCompetition. Release plans
Subscribe on NorrNext social media accounts (see footer) and stay tuned with us!

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.