NorrNext extensions are Joomla 3.5 and PHP 7 compatible

A few weeks ago The Joomla! project announced the release of stable version of Joomla! 3.5 as the latest version in 3.x series. This is major release that includes 34 new features and provides native work with PHP 7 that greatly increases website performance and loading speed. We’re glad to inform that all our extensions are Joomla! 3.5 and PHP 7 compatible.
The most interesting new features in Joomla 3.5:
- Drag and Drop Images implemented in TinyMCE. Now it’s easy to insert image in default WYSIWYG editor using drag’n’drop feature that save lot of time when you work with the content.
- Plugin sending e-mail notification about available Joomla update. It’s small, but very useful feature keeping site administrator informed about recent updates and let them to keep Joomla up-to-date.
- Anonymized data plugin sending basic data information about server environment to (there is a message asking permission)
- Article counts in the Category manager. Display number of published, unpublished and trashed articles (optional).
- New feature to insert modules into articles using a button in editor toolbar that open a pop up window to select the module and insert shortcode.
- Custom style file added to Protostar template. Now it’s possible to add custom CSS in Protostar settings via the back-end.
- Random category blog and list order. A new option in settings adding random ordering for articles in blog blog category and category list view.
- System information export. It’s possible to export system information in text and JSON format which is useful in case when users need a technical support and must provide more technical information to support staff.
- Added Links to site and admin part of the site in module user. You can show or hide links in mod_status for quick switching between front-end and back-end part of the website.
- PHP 7 support. The dev team implemented support of new version of the PHP and now Joomla works natively on PHP 7 which is important for performance.
Here is the official announce of Joomla 3.5.
Please do not forget to make backup of your website before updating Joomla to the latest version that will save your work and time.
Joomla extensions and PHP 7
We’ve verified all our Joomla extensions at correct work on Joomla and PHP latest versions and have updated the following extensions:
29.03.2016 - update Version 1.4.1 # Fixed language strings # Fixed fatal error on String class usage
Google Maps Markers for ZOO
2016-07-25 - update Version 2.0.3 # Fixed empty JSON error
Now all NorrNext extensions meet technical requirements and works natively with Joomla 3.5 and PHP 7.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.