NorrNext elements are part of RoundTheme Apps for ZOO

Our team have working on another Joomla project - RoundTheme under of which we’re releasing templates for 3rd party extensions. Recently a new line of products was launched - it’s professional Apps for ZOO (popular CCK for Joomla!). This announce inform that NorrNext elements for ZOO are included in Apps produced by RoundTheme and distributed there as a part of Apps installation packages.
If you haven’t heard about RoundTheme, it’s time to introduce this brand. It’s experimental project releasing templates for 3rd party extensions that meet modern technical requirements and propel popular extensions to the next level with nice design and new features. Also there are extensions section with plugins and modules.
So, if you want to extend design of your website and looking for a professional templates for Kunena, Comments and AcyMailing, it’s time to have a look at RoundTheme.
Apps for ZOO comes with NorrNext elements
Now we’ve started new line of products at RoundTheme and are proud to announce Apps for ZOO CCK. The main goal is to produce functional Apps with predefined features including several templates (Bootstrap and Uikit) that will make Apps friendly to modern Joomla templates and your ZOO based website can be extended with new powerful features. It save your time and money on development.
Since NorrNext and RoundTheme are projects of our creative team, we decided to combine our extensions and templates in experimental products and bring you new line of Apps that match power, flexibility and design.
Apps produced by RoundTheme includes various ZOO elements from NorrNext in kit form and comes as a part of the distributive package and cannot be distributed outside of the App.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.