NorrCompetition 1.1.0 is released. Now with video support!

We are excited to present you a new major version of NorrCompetition extension with online video support. Now you can easy create not only photo, but also video voting contests. Besides that, this version includes other new useful features, code improvements and bug fixes.
Let's take a closer look on the new features.
Online video support
This is the main new feature that allows you to create video contests. Currently NorrCompetition extension supports top online video providers:
- Vine
- Rutube
Of course, this list can be extened by our customers request, but these five cover the most part of online video services.
Video thumbnails are created automatically. All you need is to define the width and height in "Options".

Votes log
Votes log allows you to see the votes made by users. In the Contol Panel of NorrCompetition a new "Votes" section is available with the list of votes. It will show you the log details like: date and time, username, IP, User-Agent. You can filter votes by period and delete selected votes.

Vote frequency
When you setup more than one vote per entry, vote frequency parameter will help you to define the period between votes. You can choose from standard options: once per hour, once per 6 hours, once per 12 hours, once per day (default), once per week, once per month.
If the standard options of vote frequency do not meet your requirements then you can set the custom vote frequency in minutes. It will override the standard vote frequency.
Special message will be displayed to a user showing the remaining time till the next vote.

Checkbox field type
New "checkbox" field type is one more step in application forms flexibility. For example it could be useful for creation of confirmation with competition rules.
Please note that Documentation update is in process and will be completed this week.

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.