A New Sample Data for NorrCompetition

We have prepared a new sample data and rebuilt its conception. It looks much more modern and comes with 5 contests of different types, so you can experiment with its settings on your site and understand how the component works.
The sample data conception was rebuilt and now you should install it via the plugin.
Since ver.3.8 Joomla gives an ability to install sample data which is based on plugin and module. You need to install the plugin and add a module to the dashboard in the administrator panel.
The plugin plg_sampledata_nc is available in the download area, so every user with a valid subscription can take it for further installation.
If you never used this Joomla feature, please read a full step-by-step guide: How to install sample data

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.