J and Beyond 2015 Conference to take place at Prague on May, 29-31

J and Beyond 2015 - the Joomla! developers conference to take place on 29th-31st May 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic.
This year the 6th J and Beyond conference will happen. It will take place from the 29-31 May 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic at the 4 star hotel Don Giovanni. This conference is dedicated for Joomla! developers and usually gather around 250-300 participants. The visitors should expect a rich program involivng the most known people form the Joomla! Community, tasty meal and an opportunity to get new contacts and have a good time.
The ticket price is €299 or €339 with evening dinner for a partner. You can book them here.
On the conference you will learn the sessions about development, managament, design and communication and also will know about the latest trends and future plans. This year the slogan of the confernece is: "Golden times ahead - this is where the future of Joomla happens!".
The J and Beyond conference is the global event which should be visited by every active Joomla! Community member. See you at Prague!

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.