Extensions for ZOO updated to v1.1.0

The update releases of Google Maps Markers for ZOO, Magnify Zoom for ZOO and Open Graph for ZOO extensions.
The remarkable feature is a new functionality of parameters override using the syntax in content editing mode. This is particulary actual for Google Maps and Magnify Zoom. This feature allows you to use any number of elements on the page and override its parameters not leaving an article editing mode. For Google Maps an ability to select custom icons for marker was added. Also drag’n’drop parameter for marker was implemented and it allows to drag and change the order of balloons during editing.
For Open Graph plugin "Twitter Card Type” parameter was added.
We recommend you to use the latest version of our products for ZOO and these you can find in downoads section for users having a subscribie.
Full changelog:
Google Maps Markers for ZOO
New Features:
Version 1.1.0
+ Override parameters
+ Custom icons for marker
+ Draggable parameter for marker
Magnify Zoom for ZOO
Version 1.1.0
New Feature:
+ Override Parameters
Open Graph for ZOO
Version 1.1.0
+ "Twitter Card Type" parameter
The releases of two more commercial elements are on their way: 2GIS for ZOO and Yandex Maps markers for ZOO.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.