Google Maps Markers for ZOO: Update release v.2.0.0

We’re glad to present you new version of Google Maps Markers for ZOO 2.0. In the new release we have tried to accommodate your wishes and make the process of creating markers on the map much easier.
With the new Edit Mode param you can select the "Map" and a map area with search featue will be attached below each marker in edit mode of the content item.
You can type geographical name or name of the object (Museum) in the search field and Google service show you a point on the map. You just have to click on it and coordinates or the object will be taken automatically. Also it's possible to move the marker on the map for change location. As soon as the settings will be saved, your location on the map will be marked in green marker at each point.
If you decide to change the location, just search another name and save new point. Your green marker will remain in case you change your mind - just click on the place you need.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.