The release of NorrCompetition 1.7.7

This Summer we are happy to announce NorrCompetition 1.7.7. The new version of this top voting contest extension resolves several issues found from the previous version and brings some improvements.
Bug fixes
- Options of countdown timers cannot be overridden in the contest
- Do not display entries with trashed status in my entries list
- Contest data in the entry form is not loading if the contest is unpublished
- English localisation polishing
- Global option value is displayed in Use global
- New option to control IP saving along with entry
- Do not collect IP and User-Agent on voting if IP check is disabled in options

We recommend always to make backup of your site before any update.

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.
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