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19 September 2022
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The release of NorrCompetition 1.7.1

The release of NorrCompetition 1.7.1
27 July 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of NorrCompetition 1.7.1. This is a maintenance release that includes some enhancements, various bug fixes and improvements.


  • New URL field
  • Display contestant in entry list
  • Photo rotation based on EXIF orientation data
  • Hide voting end timer when voting is ended
  • Create frontend contest form menu item on installation
  • IP detection method
  • Display of download key

Bug fixes

  • Tooltip width in Uikit theme
  • Upload icon in Default and Uikit themes
  • Use alert for hidden participants text in Bootstrap 3 theme
  • Search icon in photo upload in Bootstrap 3 theme
  • Calendar.setup is not a function in date field
  • Wrong afterDisplayContent location
  • Specific ACL rules when rating is disabled

Layouts Changed

There was a lot of changes in layouts so please check your overrides (if you have any) to be compatible with the latest release. Here is the list of changed files:

  • _competition.items.php
  • _participant.fields.php
  • _participants_field.php
  • _result.grandprix.php
  • _result.highest.php
  • _result.other.php
  • appform.php
  • competition_result.php
  • participant.php
  • /bootstrap3/_comments.tabs.php
  • /bootstrap3/competition.php
  • /bootstrap3/fields/photo.php
  • /bootstrap3/fields/video.php
  • /default/_competition.countdown.php
  • /default/fields/photo.php
  • /default/fields/video.php
  • /ukit/fields/photo.php
  • /ukit/fields/video.php
We recommend to update NorrCompetition and its add-ons to the latest version. But don't forget to make back-up before the update.
Dmitrijs Rekuns

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.

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