Quantum Manager - a New File & Media Manager for Joomla!

Today we are proud to announce you a new product that many of Joomla users have been looking for - a user-friendly media manager. Quantum manager is a brand-new file manager which can cover most of the necessities and save a lot of your time during the work with the content.
This extension is a result of common development with our partners Delo-Design and we express our gratitude to guys for this cooperation!
Key features:
- File bulk upload
- Create & remove folders
- Image cropping and resizing
- Integration to Unsplash - now you can download and insert free photos from the popular photo stock!
- Adding watermark
- Automatic filename transliteration
- Save original images
- User Group Permissions
Quantum is a free extension made with love to help webmasters optimize their work with Joomla.
We would be glad to get your feedback. Feel free to submit your ideas and wishes on the support forum.
How can I help?
- 1. You can help to localize Quantum in your language. Visit Transifex page.
- 2. You can spread the word about Quantum in your local Joomla community. Just subscribe to our social accounts and do some reposts/retweets. Publishing a blog post about Quantum will be incredible!

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.
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