Quantum Manager
version history
Version 3.2.0
(January 29, 2025)
ImprovedJIntervention Image library updated
Version 3.1.1
(July 08, 2024)
FixedJoomla 5 dark mode fix
Version 3.1.0
(June 25, 2024)
FixedCreate of empty folders during running the media manager in some scenarios
FixedDisplay scope names in the configuration
FixedDisplay ID of scopes in the configuration
AddedAcyMailing integration
Improvedlib_fields library is a part of the core package now
Version 3.0.1
(March 21, 2024)
ImprovedSVG files load faster (thumbnails)
FixedThe algorithm of creating folders when they does not exist has been fixed
Version 3.0.0
(February 08, 2024)
AddedNative Joomla 5 support. No need to enable Backward Compatibility Plugin
AddedNew dark theme for Joomla 5
ImprovedJoomla 3.x legacy code removal
FixedFiles were uploaded to the root of site if no subfolder is selected in redirect plugin
FixedNo cache for image thumnails generated by Quantum. All thumbnails were generated "on fly" during each loading of the page
FixedErrors during watermark generation
Version 2.0.4
(July 14, 2023)
FixedAn issue in the plugin which overrides the core Joomla media field
Version 2.0.3
(July 12, 2023)
AddedA new field
added. It is being used to override a new type of field that appeared in Joomla 4. -
AddedCorrect processing of media field. It opens an ability to launch Quantum Manager in 3rd party extensions
FixedIncorrect work in YOOtheme Pro 4.0.x
FixedFixed watermark issue that appeared in Joomla 4
FixedAn issue with modal window appeared in Joomla field. It was actual in subforms
Version 2.0.2
(February 07, 2023)
FixedIncorrect work with YOOtheme Pro 3.0.22
Version 2.0.1
(January 31, 2023)
FixedUninstall of Quantum Manager could break access to Administrator Panel. It occurs when the option to show Quantum Manager menu item in the sidebar is enabled.
FixedFixed incorrect work of Quantum Manager when Joomla is installed in a subfolder.
FixedSome fixes for stable work on PHP 8.1.
FixedMultiple file deletion via modal window (Right-Click on mouse) wasn't worked — the 1st file is being deleted, all other selected files remain.
FixedFatal error: Cannot declare class Lib_fieldsInstallerScript, because the name is already in use.
ImprovedSmall UI improvements.
ImprovedUpdate of en-GB localization. All escaped double quotes were replaced with apostrophes to avoid issues with Transifex service.
Version 2.0.0
(June 20, 2022)
AddedIntegration with com_content
AddedNew option: change names in MD5 hashes when uploading a file
AddedEnable Quantum Manager on the site front-end
AddedNew option: opening a folder by one or two clicks. It can be useful if you need to select folder by one click and proceed inside by performing double click
AddedNew option: a new .jpg file can be created from the clipboard image (Cmd+V or Ctrl+V)
AddedAdded hotkey system (back, delete, copy, paste, cut, rename) - see Help button
AddedAdded sorting files by size, date modified, name
AddedGrid mode expanded to 10 items per column
AddedJoomla 4 option: you can move out the menu item from "Components" to the main menu in sidebar. There is a second option allowing to rename menu item from Quantum Manager to Files
AddedAdded support for regular expressions in search by name, for example: regex:[a-z0-9]+.png. Simple expressions are also available, like *.png, that is, find all png files
AddedAdded "Make a copy" action for files and folders
ImprovedPHP 8.1 ready code
ImprovedThumbnails/previews for files added and horizontal lines removed in the table file view mode
ImprovedBack and Up buttons moved to the top right to the other toolbar buttons
ImprovedError messages on file uploading error displays as notifications instead of modal window
ImprovedYOOtheme Pro integration plugin is automatically enabled
ImprovedIntegration with Pixabay and Pexels removed
FixedFailed to upload file if maximum size of file upload param is limited on the server.
FixedLoading of thumbnails is being processed in limited queues. The current logic: requests do not go all at once, but go in strict sequence in two streams when it is necessary to show 30 pictures from the grid.
Version 1.8.0
(September 18, 2021)
AddedAdded new variables for paths: week_year - week number in the year, week_day - week day number, day_year - day number in the year (starting from 0), hours_24 - hours in 24 format
AddedA new trigger
to add custom variables for paths -
ImprovedjQuery dependency removed
ImprovedFix of manager reseting when reopening in Yootherme Pro
FixedWord wrap in folder names when they're displayed (UX)
FixedInsert files in
via media field
Version 1.7.3
(March 22, 2021)
FixedEmbed file WYSIWYG button fixed
Version 1.7.2
(March 11, 2021)
FixedFixed integration with SP PageBuilder
Version 1.7.1
(March 07, 2021)
FixedDownloading images from Pexels
Version 1.7.0
(February 08, 2021)
AddedAdded new option allowing to make mass resize of images in folder and/or in its subfolders
AddedAll Quantum Manager fields now are adapted to create new entries in Joomla! subform
ImprovedJavascript initialization of the component was refactored
ImprovedThe 'catalogue tree' field autonomy completely finished - now it can be separately called in Joomla! form constructor
FixedFixed integration with YooTheme Pro 2.3.29
Version 1.6.2
(December 01, 2020)
FixedFixed integration with YooTheme Pro 2.3.19
Version 1.6.1
(October 27, 2020)
AddedNew param 'Rotate by EXIF'
AddedAdded new variables
for images in 'Embed files' button plugin -
ImprovedAdded localization button to 'Help' modal window
FixedWhen com_fabrik component installed, it causes the issue with Quantum Manager loading field and it did not work correctly
FixedFixed integration with YooTheme Pro 2.3.5+
FixedFixed language strings unloading in the component. Now they are no longer duplicating
Version 1.6.0
(August 20, 2020)
AddedIntegration with Pexels added
AddedThumbnails generation for selected images
AddedCustom colors for file types (to display in grid mode)
AddedImport/export of component configuration
AddedIntegration with SP Page Builder
ImprovedPhoto stocks are moved to the new button called Photo stocks
ImprovedNew option to check archives for PHP files
ImprovedAdded new settings for image meta-data. Added JPEL library
FixedWhen you insert image via the button, image positioning do not work
Version 1.5.2
(June 20, 2020)
FixedLanguage constants did not completely load in the integration plugins
FixedFixed integration with YooTheme Pro 2.1+
Version 1.5.1
(May 13, 2020)
Fixedcom_media override plugin hides other fields
Version 1.5.0
(May 13, 2020)
AddedButton plugin for editor has been reworked. Now it supports multiple files embedding and custom embed templates for scopes.
AddedNew override options are available for com_media override plugin. You can replace the standard type of the media field with a new one with an image preview.
AddedAdded edit icon in the directory tree
AddedAdded ability to select directories, which allows you to copy / cut them
AddedAdded a new action "Select all" to the toolbar
AddedAdded new options to the image editor: compression ratio, sharpness, brightness and blur (blur works only with Imagemagick library)
AddedAdded a new icon to the metadata that allows to copy the link to the selected file
AddedWhen selecting information in the metadata, the selected one is copied to the buffer.
AddedCreated a system of modal windows inside the manager. This will allow third-party scripts to make integration with the manager
AddedA new upload field from Quantum Manager has been added to the lib_fields library
ImprovedStatic files from the core manager are moved to plugins
ImprovedGrid for Pixabay and Unsplash will line up faster
ImprovedAdded image size option to Pixabay search
ImprovedStandard modal window "Image" has been expanded
ImprovedVarious code improvements
FixedAll scopes are now shown for plugin which overrides the standard manager. The "Field Folder" is inserted first and is always active by default
FixedFixed local path handling in different environments
FixedButton "Open in a new window" opens manager in a new window, and not in the current
FixedFixed Javascript error when injecting language strings with the special symbols like single quote
Version 1.4.1
(January 15, 2020)
FixedCustom scopes overwriting due to profile overrides
FixedResource error for image library
Version 1.4.0
(January 13, 2020)
AddedIntegration with Yootheme Pro
AddedArchives uploading (.zip, .rar, etc).
AddedA new icon showing empty folder
AddedNew option: Enable Unicode in file/folder names during uploading and renaming
AddedShow full path to the folder in Metadata
AddedLazy Load for Pixabay and Unsplash
AddedCopy and move files
ImprovedAdded duplication of actions from the context menu to the toolbar
ImprovedNew icons. Now an SVG sprite is used instead of an icon kit
ImprovedRepeat click unchecks the selected file
ImprovedActions to show when specified files are checked
ImprovedOk and Cancel buttons changed its order in modal windows
ImprovedAdded a confirmation window when a file is being removed by the toolbar button
ImprovedQuantum Manager Com Media plugin removed
ImprovedMicro-animation added
FixedVulnerabilities fix (Low Priority)
FixedAn error when you attempting to upload the same file again
FixedThe Help option button didn't work in the configuration
Version 1.3.1
(December 03, 2019)
AddedConfirming the delete of the file in context menu
AddedAdded integration with Pixabay - a free photo stock
AddedSplitter for catalogue tree and for toolbar (its position is kept after page reload)
FixedOverride custom Scopes configuration
FixedSelect files after uploading from Unsplash
LabelSearch for names is not case sensitive now
FixedCannot select Scope in the catalogue tree when several catalogues have the same name
Version 1.3.0
(September 23, 2019)
AddedAdded a new plugin: button in WYSIWYG editor to insert files inside of your content according to different templates which you can create/edit in component settings
AddedAdded Watermark button to component dashboard allowing you to add watermark to selected image. There are settings for watermark
AddedNew option to limit length of filename during the uploading. It prevents of creation files with long name
AddedRename and remove buttons added to toolbar
AddedYou can create Scopes - custom areas to access the files according to your needs (photos, music, video, etc)
ImprovedLoading area UI element is clickable
ImprovedTransliteration to folder and file names during its creation. E.g.if you type 'Привет, мир!', the name to be converted to 'privet-mir' in lower case without space and exclamation mark.
ImprovedCache of preview images (thumbnails to be displayed in the component) now cleans during Joomla cache cleaning. Now /images/com_quantummanager/ folder is no longer in use, you can remove it (if you upgraded from the previous versions)
FixedMetadata display error
FixedThe component cannot run if the Joomla is located in domain subfolder
FixedImage edit mode does not working in some cases
FixedIssue with checkbox selection and deselection
FixedCheckbox selection in table mode
FixedA message will be displayed if Unsplash found no results according to your search criteria
Version 1.2.0
(July 27, 2019)
AddedAdded integration to Unsplash photostock
AddedYou can select area of multiple files with mouse cursor
AddedAdded context menu to files
AddedAdded a form to insert an image in WYSIWYG editor
AddedHelp button added
AddedAn option to hide 'Review on the JED' bottom toolbar
AddedNew option: show more Metadata
ImprovedDialog boxes reworked
ImprovedThe extension meet JED requirements
FixedVarious small bug fixes
Version 1.1.5
(July 01, 2019)
ImprovedAdded background for metadata
ImprovedAdded metadata information in list mode
ImprovedA file type added to metadata
FixedCheckbox issue when you check the file in grid mode
Version 1.1.4
(June 30, 2019)
AddedFolder metadata now displaying
AddedNew param to show loading area
FixedFixed class loading error
FixedFixed Metadata crush
FixedNo default value for max.size of loading files param
ImprovedDo not display errors during file load
Version 1.1.3
(June 30, 2019)
AddedAdded image to metadata
AddedCorrect display in Windows OS
ImprovedMetadata included by default
ImprovedIf image is no longer selected, then metadata of the next selected image will be taken
ImprovedLanguage strings updated
ImprovedFile folder can be opened in a modal window of media field, if the field is filled
Version 1.1.2
(June 29, 2019)
ImprovedIf metatags are enabled, then you can see metatags of the uploaded file
FixedFixed a bug of directory viewing and remembering the path
FixedIf the file is no longer selected, its metatags are not displaying
Version 1.1.0
(June 29, 2019)
AddedAdded metadata option for files
AddedYou can set up custom image proportions for cropping
AddedAdded variables for path
AddedAn override of component configuration for different user groups
Improved/com_quantummanager/ folder (a cache of Quantum Manager) was removed from
folder -
ImprovedPX converted to lower case in cropper.js module
ImprovedA folder name displays when a user attempt to remove the folder
ImprovedGUI improvements
ImprovedLanguage constants updated
FixedFixed screen blinking when a folder opens
FixedMax.of file uploading size did not work
FixedFixed folder removing
FixedFixed automatic image resizing under the file load
Version 1.0.2
(June 02, 2019)
AddedAdded search by name for files and folders of current directory
ImprovedLazyload for images to improve performance
ImprovedIf images have no thumbnails, the thumbnails will be generaed on the fly to Lazyload
ImprovedImprpovements for file and folder grid view mode (the height adapts due to number of columns)
ImprovedRefactoring of cropperJS script
ImprovedCrop mode is no longer can take field out of the image
ImprovedVertical scrolling removed in cropperJS
Version 1.0.1
(May 17, 2019)
ImprovedLocalization implemented
FixedFixed paths, useless folders are no longer created in the root of the site
Version 1.0.0
(May 16, 2019)
AddedInitial Release