PKB Social 1.1.0 for Pagekit is released

Pagekit is on its way to stable version and recently new beta version 0.9 was released. But it requires an update for 3rd party extensions. We’ve finished refactoring of PKB Social - a widget for Pagekit that let your audience to connect with you and get visitors closer, that makes your website more friendly and helps with promotion.
The widget support the following social networks:
- Google+
You can see the result on live demo.
Pagekit is a brand new CMS from famous YOOtheme club that combines advanced web technologies and looks as a promising platform. We’re working on developing new products for this great CMS to be released in fourth quarter of 2015.
Please note that Pagekit 0.9 is non-compatible to previous alpha version 0.8 and if your website is built on older version you must rebuild the website, install and set up the widget again. PKB Social is written for the current Pagekit version and we'll provide all updates for PKB Social as soon as new version of the CMS be released.
PKB Social is a free product and available for download from our repository. You can buy backlink removal from front-end of the widget and support its development.
Feel free to subscribe on our RSS feed or at any social channel and keep yourself informed about our new products for Pagekit or recent news about this platform.

A Joomla enthusiast and web developer who has been working with Joomla since 2007. I work in the banking sector. What excites me most is developing extensions.