NorrCompetition 2.0.7 released

It's time to announce a new version of NorrCompetition 2.0.7 which is a maintenance release that contains many bug fixes and improvements.
NorrCompetition component ver.2.0.7 changelog
- Improved. Expanded the limit of characters for custom field description to avoid "Data too long" error
- Improved. Allow to use safe HTML for custom field description
- Improved. UIkit compatibility
- Improved. Drag and drop of entries
- Improved. Dropzone compatibility with the dark admin template mode
- Fixed. Unknown column 'published' in 'field list' error on field delete or state change
- Fixed. Spinner was not hiding due to CSS conflict
- Fixed. A line break resulting incorrect class for entry and contest image
- Fixed. PHP Warning: Undefined variable $diff
- Fixed. Category title is not hiding even is set to hide in the category view
- Fixed. Subcategory description and image is not hiding in the category view
- Fixed. Contest information display parameters in the category view
Theme Changes
There were some changes in the layouts so please check your overrides (if you have any) to be compatible with the latest release. Here is the list of changed files:
- /layouts/default/partials/category/item.php
- /layouts/default/partials/contest/result_grandprix.php
- /layouts/default/partials/contests/item.php
- /layouts/default/partials/entry_form/fields.php
- /layouts/default/partials/entry_form/fields_new.php
- /layouts/default/partials/grid/entry.php
- /layouts/default/tmpl/category.php
NorrCompetition is a stable extension that works on Joomla 4/5. No Backward Compatibility plugin required.
We recommend to use the latest versions of Joomla and NorrCompetition to keep your site up-to-date and always perform a backup before any update.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.
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