Quantum Manager 2.0.0. Now it is Joomla 4 ready!

Hey, today we have good news! Finally, Delo Design and NorrNext have released the long-awaited release of a popular media manager for Joomla which works on Joomla 4.
Meet Quantum Manager 2.0 for both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4! This release comes with extra new features, a lot of improvements and some bug fixes. The component works natively on Joomla 4 and also on earlier version 3.x.
New features:
- The replacement of fields in the com_fields component temporarily does not work. In Joomla 4 there is no interception of modal windows from core file manager (com_media) except image selection in Article Edit mode. Joomla 3 retains all functionality.
- New option: change names in MD5 hashes when uploading a file
- New option: enable Quantum Manager on the site front-end
- New option: opening a folder by one or two clicks. It can be useful if you need to select folder by one click and proceed inside by performing double click.
- New option: a new .jpg file can be created from the clipboard image (Cmd+V or Ctrl+V).
- Added hotkey system (back, delete, copy, paste, cut, rename) - see Help button
- Added sorting files by size, date modified, name
- Grid mode expanded to 10 items per column
- Joomla 4 option: you can move out the menu item from "Components" to the main menu in sidebar. There is a second option allowing to rename menu item from Quantum Manager to Files.
- Added support for regular expressions in search by name, for example: regex:[a-z0-9]+.png. Simple expressions are also available, like *.png, that is, find all png files.
- Added "Make a copy" action for files and folders.
- Thumbnails/previews for files added and horizontal lines removed in the table file view mode.
- Back and Up buttons moved to the top right to the other toolbar buttons.
- Error messages on file uploading error displays as notifications instead of modal window.
- YOOtheme Pro integration plugin is automatically enabled.
- Integration with Pixabay removed.
Bug fix:
- Failed to upload file if maximum size of file upload param is limited on the server.
- Loading of thumbnails is being processed in limited queues. The current logic: requests do not go all at once, but go in strict sequence in two streams when it is necessary to show 30 pictures from the grid.
Hotkeys list:
- Delete - delete
- F2 - rename
- Ctrl+C/Cmd+C - copy
- Ctrl+X/Cmd+X cut
- Ctrl+V/Cmd+V - paste
- Backspace - return back to the previous folder in navigation history
- F5 - reload the list of files in the existing folder
You can take actual localization from the repository.
We want to thank everyone who participated in localizing Quantum Manager:
- Bulgarian - Svetoslav Slavkov (sslavkov.eu)
- Chinese - Jimmy (joomlaec.com)
- Czech - Dan Škába
- Dutch - Luke Salaets
- Estonian - Rivo Zängov
- French - Eric Lamy, Yann Gomiero
- German - Svetoslav Slavkov (sslavkov.eu)
- Indonesian - Dwi Rianto
- Italian - Martijn Sweers
- Polish - Wojciech Klocek
- Slovak - Dan Škába
- Spanish - Moork Zoo
- Turkish - Kaya Zeren
- Ukrainian - Nevigen
Thank you so much!
If you see your language isn't completed at 100% - please help doing this by joining Transifex projects.
To-do list:
1. Joomla 4. The replacement of fields in the com_fields component temporarily does not work. In Joomla 4 there is no interception of modal windows from core file manager (com_media) except image selection in Article Edit mode. All works fine in Joomla 3.2. Adaptive design. The existing version is not compatible with gadgets. We know about it and later it will be fixed.
3. WCAG support.
How to help the project?
There are the following ways to contribute to this project:
1. Localizations. Update the existing language or and a new language if it is not listed yet.
2. Write product overview. Would be good if you make a short overview and present what users can do with Quantum Manager to your auditory.
3. Write a review at the JED. Spend 5 minutes and write your opinion about Quantum on the official Joomla Extensions Directory. It helps with the promotion of this free product and more users will get it and extend the productivity of their websites. This is really appreciated!
Quantum Manager is a common project of Delo Design and NorrNext.
We recommend to use the latest versions of Joomla and Quantum Manager to keep your site up-to-date and always perform backup before any update.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.