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#146 Vote information for users

Posted in ‘NorrCompetition’
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PHP 8.2.27

Latest post by b2z on Sunday, 02 March 2025 22:29 EET



I use NorrCompetition on the website
Participants can vote for the photos from the monthly competition. They can cast 6 votes. Maximum 3 votes per photo. Unfortunately, participants cannot see which photo from the monthly competition they have already voted for and how many votes they have already cast for a particular photo. This only concerns logged in users. Is something like that possible? Or this is a good addition to future versions?

Best Regards,



Hi Felix,

This information (vote data) is displayed inside the tooltip of the vote button. If you want, you can create an override and make you own logic to display the needed information. The file is /layouts/default/partials/buttons/vote.php

Vote data object has the following properties:

allowedCompetitionVotes - allowed contest votes for a voter (int),
allowedParticipantVotes - allowed entry votes for a voter (int),
canVote - true if a voter can vote,
canUnvote - true if a voter can unvote,
competitionId - contest ID (int),
competitionVotes - total voter votes per contest (int),
competitionVotesLimit - true if a voter has reached the maximum votes per contest,
fraud - true if fraud attempt is detected,
hasPermission - true if a voter has permission to vote,
lastCompetitionVote - datetime or empty string,
lastVote - datetime or empty string,
nextVote - datetime or empty string,
participantId - entry ID (int),
participantVotes - total voter votes for entry (int),
participantVotesLimit - true if a voter has reached the maximum votes per participant,
success - true if a vote was saved as a valid vote,
userId - user ID in case a voter is a registered user (int),
voted - true if a voter have already voted and no votes left,
votingActive - true if voting is active.

Learn here how to make an override:

Template Overriding | NorrCompetition | NorrNext Documentation

Kind regards,


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