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#142 How to changer day order and create a default view

Posted in ‘Calendar Filter’
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Latest post by b2z on Saturday, 15 February 2025 21:58 EET



We are currently trying to create an agenda view

The module works fine but :

  • after filtering by month the order is not by day
  • we need to create a default view on this page and obviously order by day (a custom field in our case) : can we create an url that we can use for creating this view.

In our main idea we thought using this for filerting the initial view but as expected there is a conflict with the your module.

Have you some idea on how we can create a filtered blog view based on custom field and using your module. This is a "classic" case we will have to create in multiple project.

Thanks for your help


Hi Nicolas,

As far as I understand you want to have a feature like "Order a Blog Category by a Custom Field", right? Probably this plugin will help you

Kind regards,




Thanks for quick answer.

We already use this plugin but like all these plugins they conflict with your module because they use the articlemodel.

And they don't solve the other issue : after filtering  on a month the article are not order by the date custom field used for the filtering.

The scenario is :

  1. A blog view for events using a customFieldDate (short name: cFD) for ordering
  2. When we open the agenda page we need to order the blog view by the cFD.
    • If we use a orderby plugin it conflict with the module: can we to avoid that issue (I have some knowledge abut php but not this far) ?
    • your module which generate some url with parameters don't provide a url order by cFD and based a current date : can you add url's parameters we can use in menulink for ordering by the cFD and based of the current date (filter by month and year : you already do that but we can't hardcode the month and year in the url ^^ )
  3. after displaying all the events articles, if we filter on a day or a month, the article are not ordered by this cFD : can you add a setting like "order by years" but "Order by the selected date"


I understand. You are right, there will be a conflict because of the same Articles model override. Unfortunately it is not possible to solve.

So you need a feature for ordering by custom field. For that you need:

1. URL parameter like this:


2. Module parameter:

Field Ordering: Ascending / Descending.

And you also need a feature to put into the menu an URL without year, month and day like this:


And this URL should filter by the current year, month and day.

Is it correct?

Kind regards,



It sound like a plan :D

With this your module will do the complete job but it will require some docs for users creating the menu with URL without year, month and day

Thanks for your understanding.


What docs? :)

This a standard way - create a hidden menu item for you view (like /agenda) and then create a menu item of type URL with the link like this:


Kind regards,



Of course I know how to create the asked url ^^ I was thinking for your others customers ;-)

So you think it's doable ?



Features are implemented. I can share a development version of the module with you and you will be able to test it.

Please drop us a line to to get it.

Kind regards,



Forgot to mention, the URL should look like this:


This will filter articles with the current year and month by custom field with ID=1 and articles will be ordered by this custom field in the descending direction. Use asc to change the direction to ascending.

Kind regards,



Youhou !!!! So quick ! We just sent email, can't wait to test it and give you some feedback



As said by email : the url trick is working fine, it a life savior, but the filter[field_order]=desc is missing when we use the year/month/day filters. If we add it manually after a filtering : it works fine. A simple miss I think ;-)

Next feature : a date range :D (not that easy ^^)


Have you resaved the module settings? Only after that ordering will appear in the filtering.

Sorry, but range won't be possible to implement. If you wish, you can try to modify the code, it is open source :)

Kind regards,



Yes I have but still no order url paramerters on filytering.

There it is my settings (we can see the new setting) :

My default url : /agenda?cfilter=1&filter[bydate]=custom&filter[field]=21&filter[field_order]=asc

and after clicking on "march" for filtering : /agenda?cfilter=1&filter[bydate]=custom&filter[field]=21&filter[month]=3&filter[year]=2025


Strange, as I do not have such issue on my test website. May be calendar.js file has been cached. Please try to clean the browser cache or do ctrl+F5 several times (if you are on Windows) on the page. Also you can check if the javascript file has been updated - there should be filter[field_order] piece of code.

Kind regards,



Hmmm mafter many mnay test there is my resultsts :

  • calendar.js is okay
  • all depends of the layout selected !
    • Calendar : give nothing, no calendar diplayed, nothing just the module tilte
    • Default : The one we use, no error message but but no filer_order
    • ui, bootstrap etc : error message on the  intial url : Warning: Undefined array key "year" in modules/mod_calendarfilter/tmpl/list-uikit.php on line 43  wich iI uspposed remated to the lacj of the parameter in the URL
      BUT the filter order is working on month !
  • other weird issue : I uninstall the module and resinstall. even if article link is set to no it  display a link (but with a wrong route) of the previous insall : maybe a unsinstall issue wivch don't clean all sql ?


I send you a version with a fix for Undefined array key "year".

Regarding layouts - there is no layout calendar in our module. It is something custom you have.

Regarding article link - I do not have any issue with it. If it is set to no, it is not displayed. Please check, do you have any overrides?

And as I said before - there is no issue with field_order for me for all layouts the module have.

Kind regards,



The calendar view came from you own dev zip ^^ :

It's not in the last zip you send me ;-)

And indeed the min version didnn't have the order.

The last sended version if ok for all these issues.

One new appear (sorryyyy). If I set the URL menu item as Articles Links, it display this : https://xxxxxxxx/?Itemid=1490


Regarding incorrect link - it is a standard way to create URL link in Joomla to a menu item:

<?php echo Route::_('index.php?Itemid=' . $itemId); ?>

It seems that Joomla cannot handle correctly the menu item of type URL. Probably an override is the only way to display the link you want in that case.

Kind regards,



But it works correctly in a previous version ! How you change the way this link is coded ?

We can easily add this with an override but if you module is oftently used as our way (the with URL as "start url") the "All articles" links have to handle the URL.


There was no change. It was always the same  code to display the link. You can ensure by yourself, just compare the code in the previous version with this version.

Kind regards,


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