Opening of the NorrNext club

We’re happy to announce the official launching of NorrNext project. Who are we? Norrnext is a brand new extension provider for Joomla! and Pagekit and we’re happy to provide high-quality solutions according to modern requirements and technologies.
Joomla! is one of the most popular OpenSource CMS and we have been working with it for many years, so it’s time to share all our ideas, gathered into extensions, and offer them to the community.
We always keep up with the times and we are glad to support new promising CMS Pagekit from famous YOOtheme team. This CMS is based on Symphony and combines all the best from YOOtheme in one CMS. So, our goal is to provide extensions for Pagekit too.
NorrNext as a club offers free extensions and we are happy to do the best to release solutions according to the best modern techniques in web-development, such as clean code, MVC model, easy localization and using coding trends are our benefits.
We’re going to release new extensions very soon, so feel free to follow us in social networks and get informed about the latest news from us.
NorrNext team is a part of NorrBits s.r.o. network and if you love Joomla and Open Source, you probably might be interested in another project of our network - NorrTheme which is template provider for Wordpress and Joomla.
Join our network and stay in touch!

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.