Belarusian language pack for NorrCompetition added

Belarusian language package for NorrCompetition has been finished and is available to download. We kindly thank Andrei Miskievich for providing the localization.
The release of the new Belarusian localisation for Norrcompetition is exciting news for the Belarusian-speaking community. Norrcompetition is a popular competition management software used by organisations around the world to run and manage various types of contests and competitions, and we continue to do our best to adapt this solution to many languages and marketplaces.
The new Belarusian localisation has been carefully crafted by Andrei Miskievich, who has worked to ensure that the user interface, as well as the various features and functionalities of the platform, are accurately and effectively translated into Belarusian.

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.