Partnership deals and discount coupons

NorrNext have established a partnership with awesome service and Joomla extension providers and we're glad to introduce our partners: JoomUnited, TechJoomla, Web357, JoomPlace, Jumazi and ImageCycle. Below you'll find detailed description about each brand.
You can get 15-20% off on any product of our partners using discount coupons which can be found in partners section.
JoomUnited provides a range of extensions for Joomla and Wordpress like galleries, file management, SEO, and general site management. Their products are well coded and, most importantly, very well supported.
- They offer 2 level support to make sure our extension will work on your website
- They respect the Joomla framework because our developer have solid experience
- Extensions are designed and offer alternative and customizable layout to fit your needs
You can get 20% discount. Visit website
Techjoomla is brought to you by Tekdi Web Solutions - an established company working with Joomla since its inception. Launched officially in January 2009, Techjoomla is focussed on providing innovative, top notch solutions for the Joomla Community. Their popular extensions are Shika, SocialAds, Quick2cart, Invitex, JGive & JTicketing. You can get 15% discount. Visit website
Jumazi is a team of passionate Joomla developers creating simple and powerful Joomla products. They provide unique extensions as JMZ Easy Pagebuilder - a simplest way to build and manage pages in a few minutes without coding knowledge - there are just drag and drop suitable elements allowing to construct content visually that will save tons of time to a webmaster who's working on site content.
You can get 20% discount.
Web357 is a team of professionals who specialise in the development of professional websites and premium extensions for Joomla! Web357 focuses on extending Joomla's functionality and making repetitive tasks easier, safer & faster. You can get 20% discount. Visit website
JoomPlace is Joomla! extensions and modules developer. Such best-selling Joomla extensions as Joomla! Quiz Deluxe, Survey Force, HTML5 Flipping Book and JoomBlog belongs to JoomPlace. You can get 15% discount. Visit website
ImageRecycle is an online Image and PDF automatic optimizer. With an average of 25% of users that leave your website after 4 second of loading page, this is something crucial for your online business. And it's even more important on mobile were connection are usually slower.
Their unique algorithm is able to compress by up to 80% your PDF and images with a similar quality to the original. You can get 15% discount. Visit website

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.