JMB Tree Pro - a new way of popular menu module

After a few months of hard work, we are happy to announce advanced version of our popular menu module called JMB Tree Pro. It comes with lot of new features which allow you to build complex menus according to your requirements.
In fact, Pro version is absolutely new, rewritten module that provides all necessary features that were missed in free version and gives you an ability to create professional looking and flexible menus. Let examine key features:
Key features of JMB Tree Pro:
- 6 Pre-defined Layouts with various colours
- Mobile, Tablet and Desktop responsive visibility
- Megamenu support
- Accordion menu type
- RTL support
- Choose columns for menu
- Set up column width
- Expand submenu by click / hover
- Icon class support (Font Awesome)

The module has 6 pre-defines layouts, such as: Accordion, Default, Dropdown, Dropline, Mega Menu and Offcanvas and comes with different colors. You are able to control the behaviour of submenus expand (by hover or by click) and build menus.
Uniqualize each menu by setting columns for menu items, combine various designs and type of menus!
Full responsive design makes the module friendly to mobile phones and gadgets. As nice addition: RTL support. Feel free to select the way you want to display the menu using module suffix: horizontally or vertically.
You can purchase JMB Tree Pro to be installed as an independent module, so free version will not be overriden.
More details can be found on the links below:

Product manager and Joomla enthusiast who has worked in many web development roles taking on a wide array of various projects.