Votes Log

Learn how to manage the votes for entries.

Votes log allows you to see the votes for entries. To see the votes you can use the item in the sidebar navigation or the icon on the Control Panel as you can see from the screen shot below:

Also you can use the menu Components > NorrCompetition > Votes.

You will see the list of votes:

By default votes for last 30 days are displayed in the list.


The table is divided to the following columns on the list above:

  • Checkbox – allows you to select elements for actions.

  • Entry - the title of the entry.

  • Contest– the title of the contest.

  • User – a user who has voted.

  • Vote time – the date and time of vote.

  • Valid - is the vote is valid or not. Vote validation allows you manually or using the plugins to set the validity status of the vote.

  • Score - the score of the vote. Vote score is a feature that will help you to fight against unfair voting. The idea behind it is to assign a score for a vote between 0 and 10, where 0 is completely unfair vote and 10 is completely trusted vote. By default, the component will assign 10 for a vote unless it finds any suspicious behavior (robot voting, missing fingerprint, etc.). The great thing about the score is that you can apply own analytics on the vote and assign the score. Please see the docs for onVoteSetScore event.

  • IP – IP-address of the voter.

  • ID – sorting by unique ID.

On the top there is a filter for the quick search by entry title and filter by vote period.


With the toolbar at the top, you can carry out the following tasks:

  • Export - allows you to export the filtered votes to CSV file.

  • Validate - allows you to mark the selected votes ad valid.

  • Invalidate - allows you to mark the selected votes as invalid.

  • Delete - allows you to quickly delete selected votes. Please note that if cookies check is enabled in settings then delete won't remove it from user's browser by.

Last updated